Drive-In Do's
Drive-In Dont's
- Sitting in the back of your pick-up, or on top of your van is allowed, as long as
you don't block the view of other patrons.
- Lawn chairs are allowed directly in front of your vehicle, but not on either side
next to it. You will be asked to move if the space is needed.
- The grassy area directly in front of the screen is a great spot for lawn chairs
and blankets, and children are welcome to use this area, however, their safety and
welfare is your responsibility.
- Keep an eye on your children. Children under the age of 16 must be under parental
supervision at all times.
- Please be courteous to the other patrons around you.
- ABSOLUTELY DO visit the concession stand. The Capri Drive-In survives on the revenue
generated from concessions. And we try harder than anyone else to provide the best
value. Help us continue to serve you.
- Please do not bring in outside food. If you do, you will be charged a $5.00 food voucher fee.
- Please don't damage the parking poles. Parking poles have been installed based on
customer demand to create consistent parking. This also allows us to get more vehicles
into the drive-in resulting in less turnaways.
- No smoking in the Snack Bar.
- Laser Pointers are FORBIDDEN !! Use of a laser pointer will result in your expulsion
from the theater for the remainder of the season.
- No glass bottles, No Grills or BBQ's.
- No bare feet.
- Please don't litter.
- Do not park on the grass.
- Consumption of alcoholic beverages is discouraged.
Top Ten Reasons Why Drive-Ins are BETTER!
- A great way to spend quality time with the entire family.
- You do not have to pay for a babysitter.
- You can smoke.
- You can talk in the car.
- You do not have to walk in front of other people to get out of your seat.
- You can bring your pets.
- You can enjoy a beautiful star filled sky.
- You can get lots of fresh air.
- A night out at the drive-in is not just a 90 minute movie.
- Lots of great food and great entertainment on the screen and under the screen.