The following are some video and audio clips from various TV and radio shows.
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The following video clip is from the 2007 Capri Drive-In car show Watch the clip!
This audio clip is from June 2007. It is an on-air interview with Tom Magocs by Phil O'Reilly, longtime friend and supporter of the drive-in who is a radio personality in Mason City Iowa at 93.9 KIA-FM Play the clip!
This audio clip dates from 2006. It is an on air interview that Susan Magocs gave to the "Travel Michigan Show" on WJR AM radio in Detroit. Play the clip!
This audio clip dates from 1993. The first part is a typical John Magocs Sr. outgoing phone recording announcing the coming attractions for the week. It is for Halloween week so it is a hoot! The second half of the clip is an on-air interview conducted with John Sr. by the staff at Q106 FM in Lansing. Play the clip!
This audio clip dates from 2004. It is an on air interview that Susan Magocs gave to the "Travel Michigan Show" on WJR AM radio in Detroit. Play the clip!
On Monday, April 19th, 2004, the Capri Drive-In was featured on the Food Networks "Top Five" program. The segment was called "Drive-Thru Joints." Play the clip!
In the Summer of 2000, The Capri Drive-In and Susan Magocs were featured on a local television Show called Historically Speaking. This half hour show focuses on events and interests of Branch County and specifially Coldwater. With the permission of Randall Hazelbaker, we have now made the video available to you online. Click here to view.
On Saturday, September 18th, 2004, the Capri Drive-In hosted a 40th Anniversary Party for the Ford Mustang, the main feature of the show that night was "Bullitt" with Steve McQueen. Play the clip!
Take a look at the Capri's 40th Anniversary Screen Trailer! Play the clip!